The Word of God…when I hear this phrase, when I really ponder it, I am struck by the magnitude of its meaning. If you believe in a Creator of all things seen and unseen, wouldn’t you want to know what he has to say about this world we walk around in everyday? Of course, if you don’t believe then it will be irrelevant to you. However, for those of us who do, it should be of paramount importance. You would think there would be a driving-force pushing us ever deeper in our search for some functional guidance for the dynamics of life. After all, this is why the Word of God exists. He has made known some of his wisdom for our walk-about, as the Aussies say.
However, how hard is it at times to ponder this wisdom with all these competing talking-heads shouting out their endless opinions? There’s a tribe and camp for everything under the sun. The noise can be deafening. How desperately do we need some quiet away from the maddening crowd? This crowd breeds distrust, discontent, division and disgrace.
Close that door behind you and step out into the wide open space of the breath of God. Here in this space, his spoken word breathes out life-giving nourishment for the worn-out hearts and minds battered by the angry invasive mobs. His words are not shouted with a pointing finger of accusation but rather those that say, “come along, walk with me. I have so much to tell you, so much to show you. “Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matt.11:29) It’s so refreshing to breathe in deeply from this sacred breath of his. So calming. So reorienting. So needed.
These tribes, camps, mobs—they just leave us breathless. Yes, we must mingle in with them at times on our walk-about. There are issues we all deem important and its good and right to address them. Yet, lets remember where the purest air is found, that oxygen of the soul that sustains us and keeps us from suffocating. The Word of God…the breath of life…breathe in as deep as you can. It will give you strength along the way.
”For the Word of the Lord will never fail.” Luke 1:37
”But even more blessed are all who hear the word and put it into practice.” Luke 11:28
“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” Hebrews 4:12