Have you ever thought about where the idea of gift-giving originated? I’m sure there are a variety of explanations on the internet. But, recently I heard a sermon by Pastor Bruce Boria that gave the most beautiful illustration that really resonated with me. It started with our Heavenly Father, who gave his most treasured possession, Jesus, so he could restore humanity, whom he loved, from its fallen state. Jesus, in turn, gave his life, entering into humanity as a humble servant, leaving behind his kingly status and glory, for the sake of the world, Mary gave her future with a question mark about her morality forever hung over her head in her small village, and the knowledge that her son’s life would be cut short and cause her grief. Joseph gave his reputation concerning his righteousness being questioned regarding the pregnancy of Mary prior to their marriage. Only the Lord, he and Mary and a few others knew the real truth of the virgin birth conceived by the Holy Spirit. The shepherds gave their time, leaving the flocks compelled by the glorious revelations from the appearance of the angels to go and worship the newborn King, the Messiah. The Magi gave their money. They travelled a great distance with their entourage to lavish the newborn King they read about in the ancient scrolls concerning the Star of David, which appeared in the sky.
These gifts cannot be measured or evaluated by our current standards. There is no price-tag that can be met here. But, it does call to mind a moment for evaluating our own gifts. Not the ones we wrap up with bows and bless others with but rather the ones we have been endowed with from our Heavenly Father. Each of us have been given certain spiritual gifts for the blessing of others in this world. The examples above are gifts they were given even though its clear that they were called to be sacrificial in the use of them. This is often a difficult thing for us living in a self-directed culture as ours.
So, by all means let’s bring our beautifully wrapped gifts to our family and friends as we celebrate this season. Let’s enjoy the giving and receiving and all the pleasure it brings. But, let us also be mindful that we are called to be gifts ourselves, gifts in our worship to the Lord and the blessing of his ever-expanding kingdom.
“I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true worship.” Romans 12:1
“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:11-12