Maureen Maniquis

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Watchman or wanderer

If you are a reader of the Bible, you will know that it speaks very often throughout both the Old and New Testaments, about the coming of a new heavens and earth. The promised restoration of all the glory that was once a beautiful creation—filled with harmony and goodness. A wonderland of love, joy and peace. It was what we always think of, when we think of heaven. Only, it included this magnificent earth. Can you imagine, for just a moment, what that must have been like? I know it’s a stretch for us to imagine a world without tension.. We don’t see much in the way of harmony. Although, we can still see so much of its beauty. I’m thankful for that. We don’t see a lot of love, joy or peace on a grand scale but, individually, it’s there among some.

The book of Isaiah, one of the Old Testament prophets, speaks very pointedly about this restoration. First, he warns about the judgement God will bring for the reckless selfishness that continues since the Garden’s demise. That was a kind of self-slaughter that changed everything. The holy became profane, unfaithful, sinful—even deadly. The Garden gate had to be closed. But, the thing is, he loves his creation. He loves the people that he designed to portray his very heart, his image made in human flesh. Yet, rebellion, to a holy God, just cannot be ignored. They ruptured the good. The harmony. The love. The peace and the joy. There had to be consequences. Like a Father with his child, discipline was necessary for the sake of their good and his creation.

This Father’s love is incomprehensible. The prophet speaks of a Suffering Servant. One who will make a way for this future restoration—for the gate to reopen. The sinless One, God himself, come in the flesh, the Messiah—Jesus. The only one who can solve this dilemma. It’s not possible for humanity to restore all of this. The damage has been too great—the slaughter too mortal.

So, what now? The debt has been paid. The gate has been opened, once again, and God is listening to those who seek him. He has the welcome mat out and he is calling you to enter in. Do you hear him? Do you want to be a part of his restoration? Does this kind of love stir your heart with curiosity, with longing—with need?

The prophet speaks of how God puts watchmen standing in the towers, watching and praying, for the fulfillment of the coming restoration. They are reminding everyone of the Almighty One (Yahweh) and his plan for mankind. The countless stories of his past care, the undeserved forgiveness and grace given to all. The watchmen are heralding the second coming of Christ when all the evil will finally be destroyed and the restoration begins.

If you are a watchmen, are you in the tower? Are you waiting with great anticipation, telling of the need for reconciliation and the glories to come? Or are you a wanderer seeking answers to your questions? Can you hear the watchmen? Are you listening as they call out their invitations? The gate won’t stay open forever. When the time is fulfilled, it will close permanently. Only those who answer will enter in.

I know there is so much mystery in all of this and some may find it hard to believe. But Isaiah prophesied about this Servant some 700 years before he actually came. Jesus’ life and death fulfilled this prophecy. And his return will one day come, ushering in both judgement and the new heavens and earth. If it’s not true, you would have nothing to lose by examining the claims. But, if it is?

“He was despised and rejected— a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care. Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins of us all….But it was the Lord’s good plan to crush him and cause him grief. Yet when his life is made an offering for sin, he will have many descendants. He will enjoy a long life, and the Lord’s good plan will prosper in his hands. When he sees all that is accomplished by his anguish, he will be satisfied. And because of his experience, my righteous servant will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for he will bear all their sins. I will give him the honors of a victorious soldier, because he exposed himself to death. He was counted among the rebels. He bore the sins of many and interceded for rebels.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭53‬:‭3-6;10‬-‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“Look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth, and no one will even think about the old ones anymore…I will rejoice…and delight in my people. And the sound of weeping and crying will be heard in it no more.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭65‬:‭17, 19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

