As I flip through the pages, year after year, chapter after chapter of my life, this name for God El-Roi (the God who sees me) becomes more obvious and demonstrable. All the little moments that at the time appear inconsequential— in retrospect have enormous impact. The cumulative workings of the hand of God over the course of a life determines an intended purpose for which that life was created. Some of the choices we make may waylay those purposes from time to time but could it be possible to hinder the purposes of God ultimately? Given the fact that we are equipped with free-will, could we possibly not fulfill the purpose for which we were created?
Scripture informs us that God is sovereign over everything that exists. There is nothing outside of his purview. Within this sovereignty of all creation he works his providence of divine guidance through various circumstances. So, while we may get off the beaten track we cannot wander indefinitely, if we are truly his. He will bring about the circumstances in each individual life to fulfill that purpose for which it was created.
My life’s pages display the wandering footprints going sideways and even backwards at times. Sometimes there were even years of walking in circles purposely avoiding El-Roi’s eyes to my own hurt. This gift of free-will comes with great responsibility. Our choices have consequences. Yet, this is one of the most beautiful qualities of our Father, he doesn’t program us to respond, he gives us the freedom to choose. He is not threatened by our freedom. He desires that we choose the path he has laid out for us because it is designed for a life well-lived and meaningful for his kingdom. But choose, we may.
I am many chapters along now and I find I have less and less the desire to go off the pathway he has chosen for me. I can see more clearly now the benefits of living under the eye of El-Roi. He knows me in and out. He sees my desires, my fears, my insecurities, my frailties and his eyes tell me its all okay. He has a plan, he has a purpose for my very existence. And he will walk with me through all these moments— nothing is insignificant under my Father’s eyes. His hand will guide me until my last breath and even then I will look into his eyes up close and personal as it was always meant to be.
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10 ESV