Maureen Maniquis

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Fashion is such a big part of our culture. Every generation since the dawn of society has had its specific trends shaping the cultural preferences. Some are weirdly fringe, capturing a smaller portion of people, but overall the trends seem to filter down to the general population of every decade. Truly, there’s nothing new under the sun. Things get recycled with a twist to some degree or another. Personally I love fashion and find it a fun and welcomed change, most of the time. Of course it is good to find your own style and understand what works for you. Not everyone can don some of the clothing coming off the runways and neither should we try. We all have different body shapes and should certainly consider that as we make our choices.

I can’t help wonder why we are so captured by these trends of fabrics and designs that drape our frames with these coverings. So many possibilities run through my mind. I think beauty is something we are all drawn to. I think we were created to enjoy and appreciate it and also create it. We can see it in so many expressions. The natural world is certainly at the top of the list for most. What tops a sunset or a magnificent waterfall cascading down from the Alps or a field of flowers bathed in sunlight? Certainly the famous Impressionist painters would agree. Or, consider architecture—the Taj Mahal or the NYC Chrysler building, Paris’ Notre Dame, Rome’s Coliseum, all beautiful works of art. We flock to these places to take it all in—they’re famous for a reason.

But fashion, as beautiful as it can be, seems to play a dual role for many of us. Not too many of us want to walk around naked and I’m thankful for that. No matter what style trend we gravitate toward, I think most people like to look well put-together and presentable—and that’s a good thing. We were fashioned by God to reflect his image. (Genesis 1:27) But what does that really mean? Clearly it can’t be physical since God is a Spirit. Not to mention our physical diversity, as we also see in all of creation. Rather, we were fashioned morally and characteristically after his nature, his style. We were made righteous but not perfect. We had a probationary period, so to speak. Unfortunately we failed the test and our style changed. And, therein lies our dilemma.

This is where the covering tends to become so very important. Many of us desire to be stylish in a world that prizes the “gold ring” of beauty. We are seeking the outward beauty because we have no idea what the characteristics of God, our inward beauty, are anymore. Our culture is chasing a relentless pursuit of something that is impossible to sustain. We are covering over our uncertainties. We are seeking our likeness. Eventually, all our beauty fades along with the fabrics we’ve draped ourselves in. We can spend a fortune trying to retain it but it doesn’t really look original and worse case—a mask. Time has a way of eroding it all. Well, with the exception of all the sustainable plastic clothing that has been the latest rage—that will end up in the landfill with all the water bottles.

So, how do we restore the style for which we’ve been fashioned? How do we display the beautiful characteristics of God while wearing our favorite fashions, if we don’t even know what they are? The Scriptures tell us they can be found in the image of Jesus Christ. “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him…For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of the cross.” (Colossians 1:15-17;19-20) In other words, God’s character is fully seen in the life of Christ. The style of his nature is our origin. He came to restore our lost style, our likeness. If we clothe ourselves in Christ, his inner beauty, his loving kindness, how much more beautiful will our outward covering appear, no matter what trend you choose to wear?